March 15, 2025

4 thoughts on “Nigerian Senate Repositions Criminal Justice, Passes Criminal Justice Bill

  1. I hope better times are here for the Nigerian criminal justice system with the passage of this Bill. Our criminal justice system has been in dire need of serious upgrading and I hope this Bill when assented to by Mr President would be a step in the right direction.

  2. One of the recommending aspect of the Bill is the express inclusion of the ADR. Some Judges who find sentencing of Community Service and others inconvenient can gladly do that without a second thought. Happy for this development and i humbly urge Mr. President to speedily assent to the Bill.

  3. The new ACJ Act is the way forwards to a robust criminal justice system in Nigeria. This is not a flattery. Notwithstanding, it requires physical and institutional actions. Moreover, section 296, which allows the magistrate to remand a suspect for 42 days in case of offense for which the magistrate has no jurisdiction, is antagonistic and inconsistent with the goal of the Act and the protection of fundamental human rights of Nigerians. Our law is the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty. A law which allows keeping an innocent suspect in remand by a court which has no jurisdiction to entertain the matter, and much worse for 42 days to battle with mosquitoes and kro-kro is undemocratic, backward and unsuitable for Nigeria.

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