“Ethical standards in the legal profession are paramount, as they form the bedrock of trust and integrity upon which the entire legal system relies. Upholding these standards is not just a professional obligation but a moral imperative.
Consequently, maintaining high ethical standards is not only essential for the credibility and reputation of individual lawyers but also for upholding the integrity and legitimacy of the legal profession as a whole.”
My thoughts during the Knowledge Sharing Session at Monthly General Meeting of NBA Yenogoa Branch.
Dr. Mobolaji Ojibara,
Customary Court of Appeal
Yenogoa, Bayelsa State.
LinkedIn: @mobolajiojibara
Twitter: @mobolajiojibara
Instagram: @mobolajiojibara
Facebook: @mobolajiojibara; @mobolajiojibaraII
Email: mobolajiojibara@nigerianbar.ng