The second edition of the LawPavilion Digital Transformation Webinar held virtually on the 20th of May, 2021. The facilitators – Damilola Ibikunle and Chibuzor Bekee spoke on ‘The role of digital transformation in the legal industry’ while Olalekan Sogbein spotlighted some effective products for the digital transformation journey.
Damilola spoke first about what digital transformation entails and its relevance to every business today, she also distinguished digital transformation from two popular and related concepts; digitization and digitalization. She described Digital Transformation as the optimization of businesses through the adoption of digital technologies, processes and competencies into all areas of business and across all levels and functions in a staged and strategic way to fundamentally change how the business operates and deliver value to its customer. She emphasized that the focus should be on the customer in the whole process of digital transformation.
Damilola also mentioned the areas of digital transformation which includes Culture Transformation, Business Processes Transformation, Business Model Transformation and Customer Experience Transformation. She also made a reference to Netflix and how it adopted digital transformation to transform its business from a DVD rental company to a multi-billion online streaming service company today.
Chibuzor took the discussion further with more focus on the legal industry. She enlightened the audience about some of the disruptive trend in the legal industry which makes digital transformation a necessity. She highlighted some of the aspirations and benefits of digital transformation which includes creating a better set of products, maximizing value, creating sustainability, creating a positive working environment, improved productivity and increase in revenue. She went further to discuss some of the specific roles digital transformation plays/would play in the legal industry. She mentioned direction, cooperation, digitization, new career path/skills set and growth and sustainability.
In conclusion, Chibuzor stated some of the ways through which the legal industry can maximize digital transformation, she pointed out that the legal industry must focus on accelerating application delivery, simplifying IT transformation, strengthening cyber resilience and analyzing in time to act.
Mr Lekan Sogbein, head of Training and Quality Assurance at LawPavilion, rounded off the session by showcasing some of the products Law Pavilion has built to facilitate digital transformation in the legal industry. The second edition of the Digital Transformation webinar was not only interesting, but it was also very enlightening.