This holiday is the best time to invest in the best tools and resources for practice especially as we gear towards a new month in the 2nd quarter of the year.
To help legal practitioners as they take the next steps, We come bearing wonderful news on our flagship and industry-acclaimed product LawPavilion Prime, which now has a new version, PRIME 6.0 – THE WINNER’S PRIME – and gives legal practitioners the guarantee of a deluxe and total legal research experience.
With newly introduced features A.I. Document Review, Counsel Profiling, State Laws, and Textbooks & Journals, Prime 6.0 leads the pack in its ability to take your advocacy to the next level – beyond mere law reports and LFN. To get lawyers started, this season we are offering exclusive and huge discounts to the first 50 lawyers who are set on winning in our WORKERS’ DAY PROMO.
Enjoy discounts on Prime 6.0 and the newly introduced features A.I. Document Review and Counsel Profiling too.
To take advantage of this special offer by LawPavilion, simply send W-PROMO + Your location to any of the numbers below: