Legal Opinion

Substitutional Arrest in Nigeria: Is The Practice Legal?

INTRODUCTION The right and power of the police to make an arrest of a person who commits or is reasonably…

2 years ago

Maximisation of Foreign Direct Investment; Building Sustainable Framework For IPRS Protection

By Temiloluwa Olowoyo INTRODUCTION: The basic building blocks of any nation that are keen on developing its economy to reflect…

2 years ago

Taxation of Digital Economy in Nigeria: Gaps and Realities

By Temiloluwa Olowoyo Introduction: “The world’s largest taxi firm, Uber, owns no cars. The world’s most popular media company, Facebook, creates…

2 years ago

Validity of Unilateral Extension Clauses(UEC) in Football Contracts

By Tosu Jesujoba INTRODUCTION As the 2021/22 football season comes to an end, football clubs and players will be actively…

2 years ago

A Political Party has no Right to Disqualify Aspirants Under the New Electoral Legal Regime of 2022

By A.J. Owonikoko SAN  I am concerned that if the rave report that APC has disqualified or been advised by…

2 years ago

Propriety of Dispensing with the Evidence Act in Judicial Proceedings: A Review of the Appeal Court’s Recent Decision in Victor Adegboye v UBA

By Folabi Kuti SAN Proem The ‘exclusionary’ rules of Evidence have operated as a narrow gate through which pieces of…

2 years ago

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Challenges and Prospects in the Nigerian Maritime/Shipping Industry Viz-A-Viz Its Implications for Foreign Investment

The Nigerian maritime industry is capital intensive. Hence, it requires a significant amount of capital to keep it afloat. Undoubtedly,…

2 years ago

Whether Section 8(8) of the NBA Constitution is Self-Executing on Loss of NBA-NEC Membership (Part 1)

By Sylvester Udemezue INTRODUCTION The present commentary represents my humble, personal opinion on whether or not provisions of section 8(8)…

2 years ago

Analysis Of Ponzi Scheme In Nigeria; Viz-A-Viz Its Legal Framework

Following the economic recession of Nigeria was the emergence of Ponzi Schemes aimed at paying out interest returns to invested…

2 years ago

On the Law Against Ransom Payment in Nigeria

On April 27, the Senate passed the Terrorism (Prevention) Act 2013 (Amendment) Bill, 2022, into law and particularly amended Section 14 to read thus: “Anyone…

2 years ago