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5 Reasons Every Lawyer Should AVOID ChatGPT for Research

You probably heard how some lawyers were fined in 2023 for fake citations generated by ChatGPT. Another got fired and fined for using the same AI tool. Well, this post is to help you avoid the pitfall so you don’t become the next victim. So, read on.

Being the first open AI, ChatGPT is often seen as a revolutionary tool, assisting users across various industries with its impressive language capabilities. Its potential to generate human-like text, answer questions, and assist with a wide range of tasks is undeniable. From drafting emails to brainstorming ideas, ChatGPT has shown remarkable versatility.

For lawyers, the allure of such a powerful AI tool is understandable; mostly because lawyers are usually pressed for time. However, while ChatGPT* offers the appeal of quick answers and efficient information gathering, which could potentially streamline many aspects of legal work, it falls short in the specialized and high-stakes arena of legal research and often provides generic or inaccurate answers to cover up for the shortfall in its resources. Consequently, using ChatGPT for legal research often presents significant risks that outweigh its potential benefits. This is why you, as a lawyer, should avoid it.

In this article, we’ll explore five crucial reasons why lawyers should avoid ChatGPT when it comes to legal research tasks and recommend the best legal-specific alternative to get the work done accurately. 

Reasons Every Lawyer Should AVOID ChatGPT for Research

Not all tech is created equal. Legal professionals must approach them with caution because of the rigorous standards demanded of them. Here are five crucial reasons every lawyer should steer clear of ChatGPT when it comes to legal research:

i. Outdated Information

You must have seen a customary line from ChatGPT reading partly, like “As at my last update in…” or “This result is as at my last update in…“. What does this mean to you? 

ChatGPT’s knowledge is relatively outdated and frozen in time, with its training data cut off typically months or even one to two years in the past. In the legal industry, where statutes can change overnight and new precedents are set regularly, relying on outdated information can lead to flawed arguments or missed opportunities.

Imagine citing the old provision of a recently amended law or missing a landmark case that overturned previous precedents. The consequences could range from embarrassment to outright loss of the case. Legal research demands the most current information available, something ChatGPT is not able to provide.

ii. Hallucination

If you’ve ever relied on generic AI for legal research, you’re likely familiar with the frustration and disappointment of finding out that the cited authorities are fictitious—mere fabrications of the AI model’s imagination. This is called Hallucination and it is one of the most concerning aspects of open language models like ChatGPT – generating false or unrealistic information with high confidence.

In casual conversation, this might be harmless or even amusing. In legal research, however, it’s a ticking time bomb.

ChatGPT often fabricates case names, invents statutes, or creates entirely fictional legal principles. Worse, it presents these hallucinations with the same conviction as factual information. This inability to distinguish fact from fiction poses an unacceptable risk for lawyers.

ChatGPT has issues with citing, which is considered an ethic in academic and legal contexts. Someone might argue “But, if you give it prompt, it can give you references though.”. 

Every lawyer worth their salt knows the importance of proper citations. Every claim, every principle, every interpretation of law must be backed by authoritative sources. Using information from ChatGPT means either presenting uncited arguments (a cardinal sin in legal writing) or spending significant time verifying and finding sources for each point. This does not only negate any time-saving benefits of using AI in the first place but it also leaves lawyers in a precarious position.

Law is nuanced, with interpretations often hinging on subtle distinctions and specific contexts. Hence, legal research requires reading between the lines, understanding historical context, and appreciating the interplay between different areas of law – skills that ChatGPT, despite its impressive language skills, has not mastered because it’s a generic GPT tool.

In a recent comparative analysis, ChatGPT’s knowledge was put to the test on legal subjects, but performed woefully. It missed crucial rules, failed to consider jurisdictional differences in case studies, and couldn’t cite specific laws or cases to back up its assertions. 

v. Bias

ChatGPT’s responses can be influenced by the biases present in the data it was trained on. This can lead to biased or discriminatory results, which can have serious consequences in legal cases.

The Way Forward

As a lawyer, to take advantage of AI without running into the earlier mentioned challenges of ChatGPT, you need to adopt a legal-specific AI for your research. A legal-specific AI is specially trained to understand both the language and nuances of law to ensure you get relevant and accurate results to your legal questions. The best in that category as of today, is the LawPavilionGPT.

GPT – Generative Pre-trained Transformer is generally designed to reproduce data and information on which they are trained. This connotes that if GPT is pre-trained with medical data, it will supply accurate information on medical-related searches. This is the unique advantage that LawPavilionGPT has over generic GPT models. LawPavilionGPT is purpose-built for legal professionals, it addresses the common concerns highlighted above, offering unique value propositions that make it the go-to AI tool for legal research in Nigeria and Africa.

When it comes to information updates and correctness, LawPavilionGPT is your best bet! Despite being built on the largest e-law library in Africa, LawPavilionGPT is continuously updated with the latest case law, statutes, and regulations from the Nigerian legal system to ensure you always have access to the most current legal precedents and authorities. This helps LawPavilionGPT to provide accurate and up-to-date answers to law-related questions, every time.

Because LawPavilionGPT is rigorously trained on legal data and sources verified from over 60 years of Nigerian case law, it does not hallucinate. Its responses are backed by verified legal authorities, giving you the confidence that every suggestion, citation, and insight is accurate, relevant, and legally sound.

Referencing is key in legal profession, as much as it is in academics. That is why LawPavilionGPT provides clear, traceable, and verifiable citations for every response. Whether you’re dealing with Nigerian case law, statutes, or judicial precedents, the responses generated by LawPavilionGPT are backed by genuine Nigerian legal authorities—making it a tool that lawyers can trust. Each response is clearly structured with the main answer, legal backing, and relevant case law, all fully traceable and searchable.

For clarity, when asked a question, LawPavilionGPT has been trained to present its response in three sections – the main response, relevant cases and relevant Laws; and each identified relevant case or Law can be viewed without compromise.

Law is jurisdiction-specific and heavily nuanced. LawPavilionGPT is an advanced AI specifically trained in the nuances of Nigerian law. The targeted training allows it to understand Nigerian legal concepts inside-out. Whether it’s case analysis, legal principles, or statutes, LawPavilionGPT identifies the fine distinctions between various legal concepts, procedures, and practices with unparalleled accuracy. Being built specifically for Nigerian legal practitioners, it is ensured that every answer is precise and contextually accurate for Nigeria’s legal framework.

At LawPavilion, we understand the importance of impartiality and fairness in the legal field. LawPavilionGPT is trained to provide unbiased, fact-based legal research, ensuring that it doesn’t favour one perspective over another. Our tool delivers neutral, well-supported legal opinions, letting you base your arguments on established legal facts rather than biased data.

What’s more? LawPavilionGPT goes beyond just delivering accurate legal answers—it transforms the entire legal drafting process. Whether you’re preparing a statement of claim, drafting a defence, or formulating issues for determination, LawPavilionGPT accelerates your workflow, cutting down on the time spent and ensuring every document is crafted with meticulous precision.

These features make all things necessary for successful legal research available at your fingertips. Its time-saving capability and accuracy are some of the major reasons why LawPavilionGPT is preferred among legal practitioners who demand nothing less than the best. LawPavilionGPT is your gateway to faster, more accurate, and more reliable legal research. Why risk errors with generic AI when LawPavilionGPT offers the precision and reliability you need?


While ChatGPT is undeniably a groundbreaking tool, its application in legal research presents significant risks. For lawyers, where accuracy, proper citations, and a deep understanding of legal intricacies are non-negotiable, generic AI solutions just don’t cut it. This is where purpose-built platforms like LawPavilionGPT shine.

Designed specifically for legal professionals, LawPavilionGPT offers current, verified legal information with precise citations, tailored to the complexities of the law. When you rely on legal research, you need confidence in the integrity of the sources you’re using—because in law, precision is everything.

Don’t be tempted by quick answers that could compromise the quality of your work. Let ChatGPT handle casual inquiries while LawPavilionGPT ensures your legal research is thorough, reliable, and meticulously accurate. It’s more than just a tool—it’s your trusted legal assistant, helping you work faster, smarter, and with confidence every time.

Subscribe below to stay ahead with LawPavilionGPT—where accuracy meets efficiency.

* In this post, ‘ChatGPT’ is used, in most cases, as a general term to represent any generic generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) model, such as Gemini or Claude AI, among others.


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